Looking for a natural remedy for intestinal bleeding? Before we get into how to treat, let’s explore some of the common causes of intestinal bleeding.

What Causes Intestinal Bleeding?

There are several common causes of intestinal bleeding, and one of the most confusing things can be discovering where the blood is coming from. Sometimes the only way to know for sure is by trying different remedies and seeing what works.

If your stool is black or green, the bleeding is coming from your stomach or small intestine. (However, iron supplements and certain foods like blueberries can also turn your stool black or green, so don’t confuse the two). Bleeding from your colon (large intestine) or rectum will be bright red.

This is where things can get very bewildering. You may think you’re having colonic bleeding, but it may only be from an anal fissure (tear) or internal hemorrhoid (or both!). If you have pain in your rectum or anus upon defecating, then it’s likely you have a fissure that’s getting torn open by the bowel movement, causing bloody stools.

What causes intestinal bleeding

If you don’t have any pain (or only mild pain) but find yourself straining to have even a soft bowel movement – or if you have your bowel movement and there’s no blood in the stool, but at the end there’s half a teaspoon to a couple tablespoons of blood – it’s likely you have an internal hemorrhoid. Unlike external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids rarely hurt.

With internal hemorrhoids, you may also feel a pressure in your rectum, followed by a gush of blood. You may also feel a “popping” sensation before the blood appears. Depending on where your hemorrhoids are, there can be both blood in the stool and loose blood – causing confusion. If you’re not sure whether your blood is coming from your rectum or your colon, the only way to find out is to see which treatment stops the gastrointestinal bleeding.

Also, keep in mind that if you’re experiencing bleeding from the colon, you’ll likely have other signs of illness (such as fatigue, pain or cramping, anemia, gas and bloating), and more blood loss. If you feel perfectly fine otherwise, and have fairly normal bowel movements, there’s a good chance the bleeding is merely due to a fissure or hemorrhoid(s) in your rectum. If this is the case, then see the relevant Symptom pages for hemorrhoids and/or rectal fissures.

Natural Remedy For Intestinal Bleeding

If you’re experiencing intestinal bleeding and/or diarrhea, then you’re losing a lot of fluids and electrolytes. It is absolutely vital that you remain adequately hydrated during this time or your body may go into shock. Drink lots of water, Emergen-C (Vitamin C with minerals and B vitamins), and diluted apple or pear juice. If your GI bleeding is moderate to severe, then you need to drink fluids continually until the bleeding stops to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Warning signs of shock include feeling freezing cold and uncontrollable shaking. You need intravenous fluids if you go into shock, so seek emergency medical attention.

Also look out for warning signs of intestinal rupture or perforation. In this case you will experience a fever, very rigid abdomen, severe shaking or shivering and constipation  – where you’re not passing any gas or stool. Intestinal rupture or perforation are very dangerous conditions requiring immediate surgery, so if you find yourself with these symptoms, seek emergency medical attention.

As long as you’re not experiencing either of these severe and dangerous conditions, then you may feel comfortable treating yourself with my natural remedy for intestinal bleeding, or under the supervision of your doctor.

Eliminate Infection – Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Treatment

First, you need to eliminate any pathogenic microorganisms (yeast, fungus, bad bacteria, parasites, viruses, etc.) using a natural antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment such as olive leaf extract or wild oregano oil. Wild oregano oil is also an anti-inflammatory and has been used extensively with burn patients to speed healing.

Follow the antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment with high doses of probiotics to repopulate the gut with good, healthy bacteria to ensure ongoing good digestion and to prevent a recurrence of infection with microorganisms. Full instructions on how to do this are in any of my printed books, or you can get my eBook Jini’s Healing Guide: Natural Treatment for Gut Infection.

If you have moderate to severe intestinal bleeding or hemorrhaging, it’s best to get the bleeding stopped before starting a antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment. The fastest way to stop gastrointestinal bleeding is to go on a completely liquid, pre-digested diet – this gives the bowel a break from the digestive process, and also reduces the amount of stool that’s going into your colon.

Elemental Diet

An elemental (liquid, pre-digested) diet is as effective as steroids (prednisone) in inducing remission. My second book on treating inflammatory bowel disease, The IBD Remission Diet combines an elemental diet with a targeted supplementation plan and probiotic therapy to completely heal the gastrointestinal tract, repopulate it with good bacteria, and ensure long-term health.

Download my detailed podcast that tells you all about how to use an elemental diet for bowel rest, to get relief from inflammatory bowel disease symptoms, or to test for food allergies. Simply sign up below and we’ll email it to you – free of charge.

If your intestinal bleeding is moderate to severe I highly recommend you follow this elemental diet in additional to my natural remedy for intestinal bleeding, as it is the fastest route to complete healing. If your bleeding is only mild, then start the natural antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment right away, along with either the Stop Intestinal Bleeding Diet (from Listen To Your Gut) or a semi-elemental, or half-elemental diet (details are in the teleseminar).

Balance Your Gut Microbiota

If you have intestinal inflammation, ulceration and/or intestinal bleeding (blood in stool), then you can be pretty sure one of the underlying factors of your condition is unhealthy or unbalanced bacterial flora in your gut.  Most people who are at the point where they need to do an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) remission diet have an overgrowth of candida albicans (often called a yeast infection). Balancing the bacterial gut flora requires two steps:

  • First, eliminate the pathogenic microorganisms (yeast, fungus, bad bacteria, parasites, viruses, etc.) and heal the infection, using a natural antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment such as wild oregano oil or olive leaf extract.
  • Second, take high quality probiotics (Natren’s is the best I’ve found) to repopulate the gut with good, healthy bacteria to ensure ongoing good digestion and prevent the recurrence of any infection.

I recommend starting Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol on day one of the remission diet to address the yeast problem immediately. The protocol can be found in Chapter Two of Listen to Your Gut, or you can get my eBook, Jini’s Healing Guide: Natural Treatments for Gut Infection, with complete instructions on both the wild oregano oil protocol and Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema.


Remember to follow all antibiotic use – natural or pharmaceutical – with high dose probiotic supplementation. Once the gastrointestinal bleeding is stopped or is only light, begin taking the full spectrum of Natren brand probiotics (MegadophilusBifido Factor, and Digesta-Lac) in powder form. You need to take your probiotics in powder form because the capsules likely will not have time to dissolve properly, due to rapid gut transit time during bleeding or diarrhea.

Start with just one species of bacteria first and see how your body responds to it. Some people find they can tolerate acidophilus initially, but not bifidum, while others find the reverse to be true. If you can’t tolerate any of the probiotics, continue to use the other natural healing remedies for a few months, and then try again.

See the Probiotic Supplementation section in Chapter Two of my first book Listen To Your Gut for detailed guidelines on how to introduce and test probiotics. Or you can find the dosage instructions in Jini’s Healing Guide: Natural Treatments for Gut Infection or The IBD Remission Diet.

While waiting for your gut flora to improve, use the following natural treatments to relieve your inflammatory bowel symptoms and to help heal the mucosal lining and intestinal wall and stop your intestinal bleeding.

natural remedy for intestinal bleeding

Aloe Vera Juice

This is a great natural remedy for intestinal bleeding, as aloe vera juice helps speed the healing. It soothes intestinal inflammation, heals open wounds, increases tissue suppleness and has antiviral properties. The juice must be clear and taste like distilled water (not bitter). It should not contain any additives or preservatives (such as carrageenan), and the laxative component aloin must be removed. George’s “Always Active” Aloe Vera Juice meets all of these requirements. Drink 1/4 cup 2 to 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Coenzyme Q10 

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a powerful antioxidant that reduces free radical damage and promotes tissue repair. The recommended dose is 30 to 60 mg per day. Absorption is substantially increased if you take it with a cold-pressed oil containing omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Omega 3s

Fish oil supplements, cold-pressed flax seed oil, and hemp seed oil all contain omega-3 essential fatty acids – anti-inflammatories that have proven very successful in treating inflammatory bowel disease. I highly recommend an excellent blend of these oils (along with vitamin E, evening primrose oil and other beneficial cold-pressed oils) called Udo’s Oil.

Take at least 1 tablespoon (4 to 6 capsules) of essential fatty acids in either fish oil or flax oil form every day. Use as much as you can tolerate, up to 8 tablespoons of Udo’s or flax oil or 18 capsules of fish oil daily (6 capsules, 3x/day with food). You don’t need to take extra oils if you’re on the IBD Remission Diet, as you’ll already be adding Udo’s oil or flax oil to your shakes.

N-Acetyl Glucosamine (NAG) 

NAG is an amino sugar that is normally formed in our bodies from glucose. It is the starting point for the synthesis of many important tissue molecules including mucous membranes, and therefore particularly beneficial in healing the intestinal mucosa. You can take up to 10, 500 mg capsules per day, but six capsules per day are enough.


If your gastrointestinal bleeding or inflammation is primarily in your stomach or small intestine, you should experience particularly good, quick results using a product I developed called MucosaCalm. MucosaCalm is an excellent product and another great natural remedy for intestinal bleeding, as it soothes and promotes the overall healing of the mucosal lining of the entire gastrointestinal tract. The herbs contained in this product include licorice, slippery elm, marshmallow root and NAG.

Follow the dosage instructions on the bottle, as the dosage varies according to whether you’re experiencing active intestinal bleeding or not. Open the capsules and mix with water or diluted apple juice. If you’re taking a high dosage of MucosaHeal, then you don’t need to supplement separately with NAG (listed above), as there’s enough in the MucosaHeal.

Jini’s Healing Implant Enema

This enema mixture is excellent for wound healing if you’re experiencing bleeding from the colon (large intestine). It works very quickly, and will stop your bleeding the fastest of any remedy listed. It can even stop severe, steady gastrointestinal hemorrhaging in as little as two applications.

The enema mixture consists of comfrey root powder, marshmallow root powder and slippery elm (inner bark) powder, mixed in 1 – 2 cups of filtered or spring water. If you can’t retain two cups of liquid, then you can reduce the water to only one cup until you can tolerate two cups.

As the name suggests, this is not a cleansing or flushing enema, but rather an implant or retention enema – the goal is to hold the mixture in your colon until the liquid is completely absorbed. You’ll have best results if you administer it first thing in the morning (after your morning bowel movement), last thing at night, or whenever your bowel is most likely to be clear of stool.

You can buy an enema bag and find the powdered herbs at an herb pharmacy, or you can get the complete Jini’s Healing Implant Enema Kit (with enough ingredients for five applications) here at the LTYG Shoppe (see products on the left side of this page)

You can find more information on the healing implant enema in Chapter Two (Supplements and Treatment Protocols) of Listen To Your Gut.

Once you’ve got your intestinal hemorrhaging stopped, you can then do Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema to further prevent future GI bleeding. This retention enema delivers high dose probiotics directly to your colon, providing dramatic healing results.

See the Probiotic Supplementation section in Chapter Two of Listen To Your Gut for complete information on the probiotic retention enema. Or you can get my ebook, Jini’s Healing Guide: Natural Treatments for Gut Infectionwhich has complete instructions on both my Probiotic Retention Enema and my Wild Oregano Oil Protocol.

Download Chapter 1 of The IBD Remission Diet AND my detailed teleseminar that tells you all about how to use an elemental diet for bowel rest, to get relief from inflammatory bowel disease symptoms (like bleeding), or to test for food allergies. Simply sign up in the PINK BOX on the left hand side and we’ll email it to you – free of charge.

natural remedy for intestinal bleeding


  • For quickest healing, go on the elemental (remission) diet immediately.
  • If the intestinal bleeding is primarily from your colon (the blood will be bright or dark red), administer Jini’s Healing Implant Enema twice a day until the blood in the stool stops. Follow that with FissureHeal suppositories if there is also bleeding from the anus or the rectum.
  • Begin Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol on day one of the IBD Remission Diet.
  • Once the gastrointestinal bleeding is stopped or is only light, begin taking the full spectrum of Natren brand probiotics (MegadophilusBifido Factor, and Digesta-Lac) in powder form.
  • Drink 1/4 cup of George’s Always Active Aloe Vera Juice 2 to 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
  • Take MucosaCalm, following the label instructions for Severe Symptoms. (If you don’t take MucosaCalm, then supplement with up to 3000 mg per day of N-Acetyl Glucosamine (NAG).
  • Take at least 1 tablespoon (2 to 3 capsules) of essential fatty acids (particularly omega-3) such as Udo’s Oil, fish oil, or flax oil every day.
  • Add up to 200 mg per day of coenzyme Q10. (If you’re following the IBD Remission Diet, you’ll already be adding this to your shakes.)

NOTE: Be sure to get my Free IBD REMISSION DIET QUICK-START GUIDE by signing up in the green box above. Download Chapter 1 of The IBD Remission Diet book AND my detailed podcast that tells you all about how to use an elemental diet for bowel rest, to get relief from inflammatory bowel disease symptoms (like bleeding), or to test for food allergies. Simply sign up and we’ll email it to you – free of charge.