What Is an Intestinal Parasite?
The most common intestinal infections in human are protozoa and parasitic worms (helminths). Protozoa are one-celled microscopic organisms that can multiply within the human body. Common protozoa in North America are giardia and cryptosporidium.
Helminths include roundworm, pinworm and the dreaded tapeworm, which can grow up to ten feet long and live in the intestines for many years. Roundworm larvae can penetrate the intestinal walls and make their way through the blood stream to the lungs, and from there to the bronchial tubes and throat. They can then be swallowed, and travel through the digestive system back to the intestines as adult worms.
You can have an intestinal parasite for years without having any symptoms. Symptoms of intestinal parasites include abdominal distention, abdominal discomfort or pain, intestinal obstruction, diarrhea or constipation, anal or vaginal itching, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and eggs or worms visible in the stool. Symptoms of roundworm infection can also include coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
Key to not becoming host to an intestinal parasite infection is to avoid contact with feces (which may contain worm eggs) or with any soil, food or water that might have come into contact with human or animal feces. Avoid eating raw meat or fish, and wash, peel and/or cook all fruits and vegetables before eating them. Intestinal parasites can also be transferred through close contact with people or animals who have parasites. Wash your hands frequently, and don’t share towels or washcloths.
Take extra precautions if travelling to areas with poor sanitation or sewage disposal, such as drinking bottled water and not walking barefoot.
Natural Remedy For an Intestinal Parasite
I recently had a three-day stool and saliva test done. The results of my stool sample came back perfectly clear (no ova or parasites), with an abundance of good bacteria. However, the saliva sample indicated that IgA antibodies to Entamoeba histolytica, roundworm and tapeworm had been found. Yikes!
The clinical nutritionist whose clinic had administered the tests felt they were indeed indicitive of parasitic infection. I then consulted with three different integrative medical physicians. They all felt that the test was not a reliable indicator of the presence of these parasites, stating that IgA antibodies merely indicate exposure to the parasites. For the parasites to actually be present in the body, the saliva would reveal IgM antibodies – which indicate infection.
Parasitic Infection or Symbiosis?
So am I infected with parasites… or not? Personally, I don’t feel there’s enough evidence either way to make an unequivocal declaration. And here’s another thing I feel that may be a bit unusual: I don’t actually mind sharing my body and resources with other microorganisms. If mosquito bites didn’t itch, I wouldn’t mind sharing my blood either. Western mentality has a fixation on sanitation and “cleanliness”. But look at how humans have lived for millennia – side by side with all kinds of animals and organisms.
Yes, you may say, but look at the diseases they get! Sure, okay, but what about the diseases we get? I’m not saying I would be happy with a widespread infestation of parasites, because obviously that would compromise my health and lead to suffering. But what’s wrong with a few, unobtrusive, otherwise undetectable parasites that do not interfere with my energy, vitality, strength and functioning?
According to the Amebiasis Fact Sheet from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) only 10 to 20% of those infected with Entamoeba histolytica ever become sick from it. And in many cases, E. histolytica is indistinguishable from E. dispar – which never makes people sick and thus does not need to be treated. It seems to me we are back to the susceptibility component of Germ Theory: it is not the germs themselves, which cause disease, it is the susceptibility of the host bioterrain that determines whether microbes remain harmless or become an “infection.”
For example, an infection of Staph A strikes dread into the hearts of many. But did you know that Staphylococcus aureus is a normal resident on the skin (and mucous membranes) of about 40% of the population? What causes it to turn infectious in some, but remain mostly benign in others?
Also, don’t forget, the latest therapy for causing Crohn’s symptoms to subside is to have the patient swallow regular infestations of Helminth worms (from pigs). These worms do not stay indefinitely in the gut however, and eventually pass out through the stool, hence the patient has to periodically swallow a new batch of eggs.
An effective therapy for asthma and allergies in children consists of them playing with and inhaling African dirt. Why? Because dirt from Africa is not “clean” and contains all kinds of microscopic organisms and particles that effectively engage and thus balance the child’s immune system.
The theory that doctors are following now is that humans are designed to co-exist with various microorganisms. Our immune system has evolved to function in the presence of all kinds of “nasties.” And in our newly sterile western world, the immune system is now malfunctioning in this unnatural environment. Personally, this has always resonated with me, and I have let all three of my children be less sanitary than “normal”. I don’t make them wash their hands before dinner, and if food drops on the floor I let them brush it off and eat it (if they want). Simultaneously, I have provided the elements necessary for building a strong immune system – through diet, environment, emotional health, supplements and avoiding vaccines.
But getting back to my saliva test results: am I now worried? To be honest, I haven’t decided yet. If the actual parasites or their eggs were detected in my stool, then yes, I would definitely pursue treatment because this would indicate to me an unhealthy level of parasitic infection. Likewise, if my saliva showed IgM antibodies to parasites, that would be a more solid indicator for me. But IgA antibodies in my saliva only, that merely indicate exposure?
I’ve had plenty of opportunities to be exposed to these parasites. I was born in Kenya and lived there for five years. When I was ten, I watched our cat vomit up a mouse with a tapeworm wrapped around it (and yes, I stroked and napped with this cat). I have rescued any number of mangy stray dogs, cats and abused horses. I have traveled to many third world countries and eaten from roadside stalls. Exposure? No doubt. And possibly past infection that has since been cleared. But current, ongoing, pathogenic infection? I don’t know; I just don’t see the evidence of it.
Natural Anti-Parasitic Protocols
Nevertheless, my test results caused me to delve deeply into the world of natural remedies for parasites. Chlorine dioxide (sodium chlorite that has been “activated” with citric acid, also known as MMS – Miracle Mineral Supplement) is showing great promise in this field. But it is also difficult to tolerate with many discontinuing treatment due to the unpleasant side effects – particularly nausea.
There is also plenty of information available on MMS protocols and many people experimenting with it, so I decided to leave it alone for now. One thing I will say is that I believe Dr. Tom Hesselink is on the right track when he maintains the side effects from the MMS protocols are not the Herxheimer reaction, but rather poisoning from using too high a dosage. Personally, I would follow Dr. Hesselink’s protocols and use a 5% solution of sodium chlorite, rather than a 28% solution (as recommended by the MMS inventor, Jim Humble). Dr. Hesselink’s protocol can be found at: bioredox.mysite.com
For my protocols for the natural treatment of parasites, I decided to experiment with potent substances I’m already familiar with and have a degree of experience using. I looked at combining certain natural substances to create a synergy of potentiated (exponentially increased) effect, in an attempt to create a protocol that was suitably powerful, yet with the highest chance of tolerance: wild oregano oil, potassium iodide, DMSO and nanoparticle silver.
This natural treatment for parasites protocol is particularly powerful due to the combined anti-pathogen effect of each of its components. In addition to that, the DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide; derived from tree bark) carries the substances quickly and deeply into the tissues, bloodstream and cells. Nanoparticle silver (much smaller and very different from colloidal or ionic silver) is also instantly absorbed into the cells and bloodstream – no digestion required. When taken on an empty stomach, these four anti-pathogen substances are indeed powerful and hopefully effective.
I have tested this protocol myself and I find it to be fairly easily tolerated – dizziness and periods of tiredness were my principle reactions. Depending on what’s happening, you may feel initially tired and experience some Herxheimer reaction symptoms (headaches, fatigue, mild nausea, diarrhea) – just give your body extra rest. But as time goes on you will feel increasing amounts of energy. If you tend to constipation, then it is really important to give your body plenty of magnesium citrate or flushing enemas to keep your bowel moving and regularly eliminate the dead microorganisms and their toxins.
I have provided two “strengths” of this protocol; the first is the one I have tested on myself and is for regular pathogens (yeast, fungus, bacteria, viruses, mycobacteria), or suspected parasites. The second one is for confirmed parasites. Please keep in mind that both of these natural remedies for parasites are experimental – so far only a few of us have done the first protocol and no one has yet done the second (I’ve had a few doses of the second, but I haven’t done it for two weeks). So proceed with caution.
Induce Alkalinity to Increase Potency
I also heard of a trick to further increase the potency of each protocol by inducing alkalinity just prior to ingestion, to make the microbes more susceptible (many bacteria and viruses cannot live or thrive in an alkaline environment). I learned this trick from Maraline Krey – with whom I have done both a teleseminar and podcast on pH body balance. This is achieved by drinking some nanoparticle minerals, which have a pH of 12 – remember nanoparticle minerals do not require digestion and are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream.
This will also benefit those of you concerned with calcium levels or osteoporosis, since the mineral blend is called Bone Support and contains calcium, magnesium, boron, cobalt and potassium. After ingesting one tablespoon of Bone Support, you wait five minutes and then ingest the anti-pathogen substances in the protocol.
Once more thing you can do to support this protocol is to also take adequate amounts of vitamin D3 (3,000 IU per day) and cod liver oil (one teaspoon or four to six capsules per day) – with food. Vitamin D3 is one of those substances that increases overall body resistance to pathogens and cod liver oil aids the action of DMSO.
Products needed for this protocol:
- 1 bottle Joy Of The Mountains or NAHS wild oregano oil
- 1 bottle 99% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)
- 1 bottle of SSKI (super saturated potassium iodide)
- 1 – 32-ounce bottle of nano-sized or colloidal silver (minimum 22 ppm).
- Daily Natren probiotics: If you are having 3 bowel movements or less per day, then you can take the Healthy Trinity capsules. If you are having more than 3 bowel movements per day, then you must use the powders: Megadophilus, Bifido Factor and Digesta-Lac
- Optional: 1 – 32 ounce bottle of atom-sized (nanoparticle) minerals, Vitamin D3.
Once you have all your ingredients ready, here is how to administer the protocol:
Jini’s Quad Synergy Pathogen/Parasite Protocol
This protocol for treating parasites is administered orally for bacterial, viral or parasitic infections.
Formula #1 – For bacteria, viruses, yeast and mild or suspected parasites:
- 5 to 10 drops of wild oregano oil (shake bottle well)
- 6 to 8 ounces of water containing 1 tablespoon of colloidal silver, 3 drops potassium iodide and 1/8 teaspoon 99% DMSO
Formula #2 – For confirmed or strong parasitic infection:
- 10 to 15 drops of wild oregano oil (shake bottle well)
- 6 to 8 ounces of water containing 1 tablespoon of colloidal silver, 3 drops potassium iodide and 1/3 teaspoon (1.60 ml) 99% DMSO
(Note: If the taste of the DMSO is too strong for your tolerance, then replace one to two ounces of water with clear organic apple juice to help mask the taste.)
Take a sip of the water mixture and tip your head back, so it goes to the back of your throat. Hold it there and drop the wild oregano oil into your throat. Immediately swallow and then wash all remaining traces of the oil down your throat using rest of the water/supplement mixture – drink until the glass is empty. For a demonstration of how to do this, see my video on How To Take Wild Oregano Oil.
Take this three to five times per day on an empty stomach. It’s a good idea to start with lower amounts or lowered frequency and then build up over time. For example, start with half the dosage of wild oregano oil and DMSO, then gradually build up, or take once or twice per day to start, establish tolerance and then increase to full frequency and dosage.
Last thing before bed, and two hours after your last dosage (on an empty stomach), take a high dose of the Natren probiotics: either one teaspoon each of Megadophilus, Bifido-Factor and Digesta-Lac dissolved in eight ounces filtered room-temperature water OR one Health Trinity capsule.
Take for a maximum of two weeks and then take a break for two to four weeks – unless you are having your thyroid monitored by your doctor – because the iodine in the potassium iodide affects thyroid function. Or, if you need to take it for longer than two weeks, then delete the potassium iodide (SSKI) from the protocol after the two week period.
When you are finished the protocol, you should take high dose Natren Probiotics three times a day for three to six months: either one teaspoon each of Megadophilus, Bifido-Factor and Digesta-Lac dissolved in eight ounces of filtered room-temperature water, taken three times a day on an empty stomach OR one Health Trinity capsule, twice a day. Thereafter, either take probiotics daily and/or eat foods rich in probiotics (homemade yogurt, kefir, fermented vegetables, etc.).
You may need to cycle on and off this program for up to two years depending upon what you are infected with. Some parasites have dormant and active lifecycles, so you need to do the protocol again each time they become active, until you have completely cleared the pathogen and its eggs, spores, etc.
Find out the dormant/active lifecycle for whichever parasites you’re infected with and schedule treatment for the active times for maximum effectiveness. For example, when treating roundworm and tapeworm, you may want to roughly mimic the drug treatment cycle: Implement the protocol on Day 1 to 14, then take a break, administer again on Day 30 to 35, then break, administer Day 90 to 95 then break, administer Day 180 to 185. Finished.
Before beginning this treatment, please read my blog post on safe handling of DMSO. My blog also contains lots of info on my experiments and the substances in this protocol – just use the Search box to search by topic.
Lastly, do an internet search on each ingredient, like “colloidal nano silver” and it will pull up some fascinating research for you like this:
“In the first-ever study of metal nanoparticles’ interaction with HIV-1, silver nanoparticles of sizes 1-10nm attached to HIV-1 and prevented the virus from bonding to host cells. The study, published in the Journal of Nanotechnology, was a joint project between the University of Texas, Austin and Mexico Univeristy, Nuevo Leon.”
A word of caution: Do NOT substitute products or brands other than the ones I have listed here (you can purchase them anywhere you want, just don’t change the brand). For example, you cannot substitute regular iodine or Lugol’s for the potassium iodide (SSKI), since Lugol’s has molecular iodine in addition to potassium iodide and will cause irritation when used with DMSO. Here’s another example: you cannot combine chlorine dioxide (MMS) with wild oregano oil, because the phenols in wild oregano neutralize or deactivate the MMS, rendering it worthless.
I have studied and compiled hundreds of pages of research to put together this protocol and since we are dealing with powerful substances, they have volatilities and interactions with other specific substances that can either cause unpleasant effects, or neutralize their action. This is why you have to use exactly the products specified here to obtain the desired effect and full potency of the protocol. As with any substance, if you react badly, develop a rash or other allergic reaction, then discontinue use. This is yet another reason to start slowly and gradually build up to test for tolerance.
Again, please keep in mind that these protocols are experimental, so be sure to listen to your own body at all times and consult your doctor before use.