What You Need To Know About Colonoscopy (eBook)

This eBook outlines the risks involved with supposed routine colonoscopies. This is data that even your doctor is unlikely to know – yet all of it is from peer-reviewed medical publications. For those times when you simply must have a colonoscopy, I tell you how to protect your colon before the procedure and how to repair the damage afterwards.

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What You Need to Know About Colonoscopy 

This eBook outlines the risks involved with supposed routine colonoscopies. This is data that even your doctor is unlikely to know – yet all of it is from peer-reviewed medical publications.

Jini Patel Thompson gives you practical guidelines to help you make a decision as to whether you really do need to have a colonoscopy done, or not. She also gives you detailed instructions on:

  • A gentler, natural form of colonoscopy test prep
  • What to do before a colonoscopy to protect your colon
  • What to do immediately after a colonoscopy to prevent infection and repair the damage
  • What to do for 6 months following to restore and build up your protective gut flora (good bacteria in your gut)